Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Smash-ing! A Family thing.

I was first introduced to the world of Smash Books when I went on a random trip to my local Hobby Lobby! When I picked up one of the kits that had the book, pen with glue, and other goodies inside I was amazed and also intrigued by the idea of being able to keep a journal type scrapbook without any rules! You don't have to go
chronological order, and I think that is what caught my eye about this type of "scrapbook" per say. I like that at the end of the day I can just sit down with my book, pictures from that day, and a few supplies and just start SMASHING! Now after I began my Smashbook journey, my daughter started eyeing my work and was VERY interested in having her own! So being the "You have to earn rewards" type of mother I am, LOL, I had her do a few loads of dishes along with cleaning her room and desk so she could have a work space! SHE GOT BUSY! I noticed how hard she worked so I KNEW this would be something she was going to enjoy and was already looking for things to smash! I was just mainly hoping it wouldn't turn out like always when she gets a new "Toy" and after a week, it's boring! Well this "toy" (the smash book) has not yet lost it's luster to her! In fact she's been at it for more than a month now and still everywhere we go she brings it because as she says, "I may find something I want to put in my smashbook!" She is a VERY intelligent 9 year old with creativity bursting out her ears!! LOL! I think maybe she gets that from me, or at least I hope! :) Well we started out books around the beginning of May this year and so far it has become a real Bonding activity for she and I! I would recommend that ALL MOMS of daughters, or sons, give this a try if you are looking for a way to build on your relationship with your child because this journey has brought she and I so much closer and I also have learned lots of things about her that I wouldn't normally find out without this SMASHING journey.

     Anyway I am posting a few pics of the pages we've done so far, and feel free to use any idea you see that sparks your interest!

This of course is my book

Inside cover. My daughter cut the pic out of the doll with the black and white dress because she said it looks like me.... I'll go with that! :D

This is the page from My Sons Kindergarten Graduation which occurred on June 5th, 2013. 

These pages are works in progress. I'm learning how to layer my pics so I can get more on a page.

Just using pockets and an envelop as a pocket!

These are my Favorite two pages so far. The one on the left is about a nest of birds that were in our carport that we just so happened to capture the babies take their first flight! And the other page is about the kids driving the Lawnmower for the first time! DON'T worry, if my little man's bottom would have come off the seat the mower would automatically turn off! Plus the blades weren't engaged!

LOVE THIS! My little girl when she was 3 did an hour long session with a WONDERFUL photographer and they are my favorite pics of ALL TIME!

And now to my daughter's book.....

In the back of Every Smash Book there is a Built in pocket! HOW NEAT?!

My cover with my elastic band that holds pens alongside the book is my permanent glue roller!

My new book. (Pen with Glue not pictured but it does come with each book) Not sure if it will follow a theme or if it will just be a continuation of my book when it's full.. hmmm

 I wanted to show you how much a book is at our local Hobby Lobby. Normal price is $13.99.

My Girl working on another masterpiece!! :D

Well this is one of my 1st attempts at a blog post. Hopefully I did okay. And what are you waiting for??? GET OUT THERE AND SMASH IT UP!

Thank you for viewing my blog! Comments are welcome but negativity is NOT! I will erase any comment I feel is inappropriate!

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